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Integrative Hypnotherapy 
Imagination (KIP)

In the process of KIP (Katahym Imaginative Psychotherapy), the therapeutic work does not take place with conscious thinking, but in the visual world displayed by the unconscious. The images that appear in a relaxed state of consciousness are the symbolization of the person's unconscious, subconscious conflicts and problems. Deeply rooted fears, desires, emotions, and repressed spiritual contents can be brought to the surface, closer to consciousness, through images. This then enables further processing at the conscious level; it can move the person in the direction of understanding, insight and change.


The activity carried out with unconscious symbols therefore affects the unconscious contents, thereby creating an opportunity for the development of the personality.

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Ego-State Therapy

Ego-state therapy is a method that works with the theory that the "I" is not a unified entity, but consists of several different parts. This applies not only to mentally disabled people, but also to healthy people. That is why in certain situations we can feel like a slightly different person based on our behavior, speech, and emotions. During Ego state therapy, it is possible to reveal when the individual ego states arose, what life circumstances called them to life, and what their function is. The functioning of self-states that generate negative psychological or physical symptoms can be changed, so they can become a positive and integrated part of the personality. The task of the client and the therapist is therefore to recreate these negative parts in a more positive context. Therefore, the purpose of the therapy taking place in a modified state of consciousness is to address the parts of the self, i.e. to make the different parts of the personality communicate with each other, thereby opening the way to the reorganization of the effective personality.


Why is this good for me?

It is possible that you have already thoroughly examined and understood your problem rationally, but this did not lead to a solution to the problem. In such cases, integrative methods can help. When problems are deeply rooted, it may become necessary to explore and process the deeper layers of our unconscious mind. In such situations, relaxation and an altered state of consciousness give us the opportunity to bring to the surface answers and solutions that would be difficult or impossible to access from the conscious mind. Such in-depth inner work can help us find hidden answers and solutions and make them accessible to you.

Schema Therapy 

Schema therapy complements traditional cognitive behavioral therapy by placing much greater emphasis on exploring the origins of psychological problems in childhood and adolescence, emotive techniques, the therapist-client relationship, and maladaptive coping styles. Schema therapy helps clients and the therapist to understand and systematize the recurring behavior patterns caused by maladaptive schemas formed in childhood. With the help of the model, the client will be able to look at his personality problems with objective awareness and thus gain the strength to leave them behind. The therapist works together with the client to fight against schemas using integrative techniques.

Why is this good for me?

Even you may have experienced a similar feeling, as if the same events and patterns were repeating themselves over and over again over the years, against which you simply could not seem to do anything. Schema therapy helps to identify the thought and behavior patterns that underlie and perpetuate mental health conditions. You will be able to recognize your basic emotional needs, which you may not have received in your childhood, and you will be able to satisfy these needs with the help of the therapist, thus healing the resulting emotional traumas. In addition, you will be able to break down coping styles and maladaptive behavior patterns (developed to relieve negative feelings caused by unsatisfied emotional needs).

Final Thoughts:

  1. Proficiency in different methods and having sufficient experience are undeniably important for a psychologist, but I believe that the personality of the therapist and the quality of the relationship between therapist and client are even more important.

  2. I consider the 3 principles described by Carl Rogers to be the cornerstones of therapy, which are accepting attitude, empathy and authenticity.

  3. I represent the integrative approach, which presupposes a common, general image of man in all therapeutic theories, a generally accepted view of the internal processes of the individual. On a technical level, this means the combination of several methods that can be applied to a specific psychological problem or task, and which are considered effective in the international and domestic literature.

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Image by Minh Pham

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